越来越常用的英国私立学校入学考试 – UKiset

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UKiset是UK Independent Schools’ Entry Test的缩写,即英国私立学校入学考试。考试语言为英语。考试采取在线的形式,要求在指定的考试中心进行。该考试没有样题,不设立通过标准和等级,也不会主要测试之前所学过的知识,而是主要通过了解学生的思维方式来考察其问题解决能力,逻辑性,空间能力,推理能力,以及英语水平。

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虽然UKiset测试的考试目的之一在于测试学生的英语水平,但其与国内考试系统的差异在于,UKiset是与招生学校共同开发而来,旨在帮助学校了解学生学术潜能,而不只是他们现有的知识。 考试模式的设置有利于学校从多角度,更全面地了解学生。


如果选择使用UKiset测试结果进行学校申请,首先考试需要由其父母或监护人在UKiset官网https://www.ukiset.com/ 进行注册,并选择自己最方便的考点。考试费用为£240(含税),考试报告会在24小时内生成并发到注册邮箱。学生在考试前或出结果后选择学校均可。但要注意,UKiset考试报告的有效期为一年,并且每6个月内只能进行一次考试。因此,需要提前主动联系学校询问是否有入学位置,以及入学申请的截止时间。另外,有些学校仅将UKiset成绩作为参考,请在考试前咨询专业人士,请勿盲目进行考试。







Caldicott Preparatory School
Edge Grove Preparatory School
Godstowe Preparatory School
Foremarke Hall (Repton Prep)
St John’s Beaumont
Old Buckenham Hall
Packwood Haugh School
Port Regis School (仅承认UKiset)
Senior Schools
Abingdon School
Adcote School
Ampleforth College
Ashford School
Bethany School
Bloxham School
Blundell’s School
Bradfield College
Bryanston School
Cardiff Sixth Form College
Cheltenham College
Cheltenham Ladies College
Christ’s Hospital School
Cobham Hall
Culford School
Dauntsey’s School
Eastbourne College
Edinburgh Academy
Epsom College
Eton College
Felsted School
Framlingham College
Glenalmond College
Haileybury School
Harrogate Ladies College
Leighton Park School
Loughborough Grammar School
Marlborough College
Oakham School
Oundle School
Padworth College
Pangbourne College
Prior’s Field
Queen Anne’s School
Queen Elizabeth’s Hospital School, Bristol
Queen Ethelberga’s, York
Queen Margaret’s School, York
Redlands High School for Girls
Scarborough College
Sherborne School
St Edmund’s College, Herts
St Edward’s School, Oxford
St Lawrence College
St Peter’s, York
Strathallan School
Stover School
The Friends’ School
The Leys School
The Royal Hospital School
Tudor Hall School
Uppingham School
Woodbridge School
Winchester College
Westonbirt School
Worth School
Wycombe Abbey School
Preparatory and Senior Schools
Bede’s Prep and Senior School
Bruton School for Girls
Dean Close School
Downside School
Ellesmere College
Headington School
Kilgraston School
Kingswood School
Langley School
Lathallan School
Lingfield Notre Dame School
Lord Wandsworth College
Merchiston Castle School
Millfield Prep and Senior School
Monkton Combe School
Moreton Hall
Norwich School
Old Palace of John Whitgift School
Royal Russell School
Seaford College
St Teresa’s School
Tettenhall College
The King’s School, Canterbury and Junior Kings
Warminster School
Wellingborough School
Whitgift School
Woldingham School
Worksop College